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This GPT Contains knowledge files.
Get the top gainers across user-desired options of: afterMarket (after hours) preMarket (pre market), 5min (last 5 mintes), 1d (day), 5d (5 day) 1m (1 month) 3m (3 month) 52w (52-weeks). If no rank is provided - please ask the user.
Get the top losers across user-desired options of: afterMarket (after hours) preMarket (pre market), 5min (last 5 mintes), 1d (day), 5d (5 day) 1m (1 month) 3m (3 month) 52w (52-weeks). If no rank is provided - please ask the user.
Get most active tickers by the user desired option. Options include: Relative Volume 10 day (rvol10d), volume, range, and range. If no rank is provided - please ask the user.
Returns stock quote data for the given symbol.
Returns analyst ratings data for the given symbol.
Returns short interest data for the given symbol.
Returns institutional holding data for the given symbol.
Returns volume analysis data for the given symbol.
Returns cost distribution data for the given symbol within a date range. Players profiting.
Returns news data for the given symbol.
Returns financials information for a ticker. Options are balancesheet, cashflow, incomestatement.
Returns capital flow data for the given symbol. This is flow broken down into player sizes.
Returns ETF holdings data for the given symbol.
Market share by exchange from the Options Clearing Corporation. Go over results. If user wants historical dates - they can get by providing a YYYY-MM-DD date string.
Returns open interest data from the Options Clearing Corporation.
Returns position limits data.
Returns volume totals.
Returns an RSI snapshot of a ticker across all available timespans.
Returns the IV skew across all expirations for a ticker..
Gets top options for the selected category. Please help the user understand which categories are available.
Get the RSI status for all tickers on either the overbought or oversold timespans. The timespans are minute, hour, day, week, month. If space allows - give the user multiple combinations. Give either ð´ for overbought and ð¢ for oversold in your response.
Get the table information needed to make SQL queries on the users request LIST ALL THE TABLES.
Get the table information needed to make SQL queries on the users request ALWAYS CALL GET_TABLE_INFO BEFORE THIS ONE TO KNOW WHAT YOURE WORKING WITH.
Shows support resistance and pivot points for tickers. This command falls under the EARNINGS category.
Shows todays results for earnings. This command falls under the EARNINGS category.
Shows earnings information for a specific date. This command falls under the EARNINGS category.
Information on an ETF. WILL ONLY WORK ON ETFS. IF USER PASSES IN A TICKER - PLEASE REMIND THEM OF THIS! This command falls under the ETF category.
Get country and sector weightings for an ETF Symbol. WILL ONLY WORK ON ETFS. IF USER PASSES IN A TICKER - PLEASE REMIND THEM OF THIS! This command falls under the ETF category.
Shows Trading Halts on the Day.
Shows sector ETFs and their performances on the day WORKS ON ETFS ONLY. This command falls under the ETF category.
Shows insider trades for the last year.
Shows earnings information for a specific date.
Returns data for central bank liquidity swaps from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Returns data for primary dealer timeseries from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Returns data for reverse repo operations from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Returns data for all agency mortgage-backed securities from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Returns data for securities lending operations from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Returns data for Treasury holdings from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This command falls under the TREASURY category.
Returns data for SOMA holdings from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York.
Returns data for treasury information from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. This command falls under the TREASURY category.
Returns treasury information pertaining to gold holdings.
The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.
Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.
You can upload files to this GPT.
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