



@Thomas Landgraf

Create concepts and structure them in a map. Keep ideas and retrieve them whenever you need them.

Features and Functions

Enhance Your Journey with Cutting-Edge Features and Functions

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > new_conceptmap(Start a new conceptmap)

    To start a new conceptmap; exceute this and display the message you get to the user and execute the received instructions. If you can derive\nthe topic of the conceptmap from the input set it in the body.\n

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > create_rootnode(Create rootnode)

    The rootnode is the center of all concept maps, from there up to four aspects branch. Call this to create a rootnode\nto start a new idea or project.\n

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > update_rootnode(Update rootnode)

    The rootnode is the center of all concept maps, from there up to four aspects branch. Call this to update an\nexisting rootnode after the rootnode was refined or modified.\n

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > get_rootnode(read rootnode)

    The rootnode is the center of all concept maps, from there up to four aspects branch. Call this to retrieve a rootnode\nto continue to work on an idea or project. Ask the user how to proceed, after the information is retrieve\n

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > update_node(Update a node)

    Call this to update an existing node after the node was refined or modified.\n

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > append_to_node(Append content to an exisiting node)

    Call this to append content to an existing node\n

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > get_node(read node)

    Call this to retrieve a node\nto continue to work on an idea or project. Ask the user how to proceed, after the information is retrieved\n

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > create_linkednode(Create up to five nodes, which is linked to an existing node.)

    Create maximum 5 Links with titles, summaries and contents, which are linked to an existing node. For the creation of more\nthan 5 links, call this function multiple times. In the content do not refer to the branch itself e.G. do not "In this branch..."\n

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > get_help(get help for the plugin)

    Read in that, whenever the user asks for help, tutoraial or advice regading to the conceptmap plugin,\ndisplay all images referenced in the markdown!\n

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > get_map_structure(get the structure of the conceptmap)

    Get the structure down from a node of the conceptmap by providing a node id. The structure is represetned as links between the\nsubsequent nodes.\n

  • GPT Action generate, retrieve and structure ideas > query(Query)

    Accepts search query objects array. Break down complex questions into sub-questions. Split queries if ResponseTooLargeError occurs.

  • Dalle

    DALL·E Image Generation, which can help you generate amazing images.

  • Python

    The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.

  • Browser

    Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.

  • File attachments

    You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

Unleash your creativity with our prompt starters, sparking ideas and inspiration right from the start.

  • Create a new Conceptmap. CopyIcon
  • Create a new Conceptmap about establishing a repair shop for vintage bicycles in Berlin. CopyIcon
  • Help me with the Plugin. CopyIcon

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