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  3. Cmd J
Cmd J
Cmd J

Cmd J


Cmd J
If you are looking for a way to boost your productivity and creativity with the power of AI, you might want to check out Cmd J. Cmd J is a Chrome extension that lets you use ChatGPT on any website with a simple keyboard shortcut. ChatGPT is an AI model that can generate natural language texts based on your input and context.
Browser Extension

With Cmd J, you can use ChatGPT to:

- Rewrite any text you select on a website with a different wording or style
- Generate blog posts or social media captions based on keywords or topics
- Fix code errors or bugs by asking ChatGPT for solutions
- Write perfect emails by getting ChatGPT suggestions for subject lines, greetings, and sign-offs
- And much more!

Cmd J is easy to use and install. All you need to do is:

- Download the Cmd J extension from the Chrome Web Store
- Refresh all your tabs to activate Cmd J on them
- Press Cmd + J (or Alt + J on Windows/Linux) to open the ChatGPT widget on any website
- Type your query or select some text and press Enter to get ChatGPT's response

Cmd J has a free plan that gives you limited access to ChatGPT with login interruptions. If you want to get unlimited and faster access to ChatGPT without interruptions, you can upgrade to the premium plan for $9 per month.

Cmd J is a great tool for anyone who wants to leverage AI to improve their writing, coding, and generating skills. It can help you save time, avoid mistakes, and create engaging content with ease. Try it out today and see what ChatGPT can do for you!

  • It is a Chrome extension that lets you use ChatGPT on any website with a keyboard shortcut.
  • It can help you improve your writing, coding, and social media posts by generating suggestions and rewrites.
  • It has a free plan with limited requests and a premium plan with more features and faster response time.
  • It requires you to refresh all tabs to activate it after installation.
  • It may not work on some websites or have some bugs.
  • It may not always generate accurate or relevant content for your needs.

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