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Boolio Global ETF GPT

Boolio Global ETF GPT




Global ETF data. ETF search related to stock, ETF analyst, ETF quant analysis, Related industry ETF screening, ETF analysis, List of ETF constituents, Spy ETF.

Features and Functions

Enhance Your Journey with Cutting-Edge Features and Functions

  • Knowledge file

    This GPT Contains knowledge files.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > ListAllFSItems

    List All the Financial Item Number (FSItem) for a given factor or indicator. This endpoint provides financial item numbers and their corresponding content.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > ListAllEcoItems

    List All the economic indicator codes.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > ListAllIndustryCodes

    List All industry codes.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > ListAllInvestorIds

    List All famous investors by name.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > AnalyzeStockByTopic

    Provide detailed stock analysis based on a specific topic

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > StockFeatures

    Analyze Key Features of a Stock for Informed Investment Decisions. The available features are Profitability, Growth, Undervalued, Momentum, FinancialStability, Sentiment, and ShareholderReturn.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > CompanyHistoricalFinancialDataByFSItems

    Get historical financial data for multiple FSItems of a company

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > StockHistoricalPrice

    Get stock prices from the start date

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetPortfolioAnalysis

    An API that provides portfolio characteristic analysis for user-specified stocks.\n\nThis endpoint evaluates portfolios based on user-specified stocks, regions, and weights. It includes factor analysis against the S&P 500 benchmark and a BoolioScore on a 100-point scale to assess portfolio strength.\n

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetMultipleStocksPriceTimeSeriesFromStartDateToToday

    Retrieve historical stock prices for specified stocks using tickers and regions. For example, "005930_AAPL" for Samsung Electronics and Apple in regions "KR_US", starting from a user-specified date.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetTopStocksInRegionBasedOnTopics

    Retrieves the top (num_stocks) stocks in a specific region based on a specified topic.\n\nThis endpoint fetches the top (num_stocks) stocks in a specified region, ranked according to a specified topic. if question about bottom (num_stocks) stocks, set sign = -1.\n

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetStocksWithinFactorRangeInRegion

    Retrieves stocks within a specific factor value range. Call GetMultipleStocksCurrentFinanceDataByFSitems conversation first for fsitem value. Use default minimum float if Factor_lower is absent and maximum float if Factor_upper is not provided.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetStocksWithMultipleFactors

    Retrieves stocks in a region matching multiple factor ranges. Factors defined by fsitem, factor_lower, factor_upper, and period_typ, specified in path with underscores.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetStocksWithMultipleFactorModelBackTest

    Retrieves backtesting simulation results for a model matching multiple factor ranges in a region. Factors defined by fsitem, factor_lower, factor_upper, period_typ, specified in the path with underscores. Results shown in markdown table format.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetFindStocksPassedTechnicalIndicatorCriteria

    Retrieve stocks that have passed specific technical indicator criteria.\n\n\n

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetIndustryTopStocksBasedOnTopic

    Provides recommended stocks in industries based on a specified topic. Use FindIndustryCodes conversation to find related industries first. Input industries as IndustryCode1_IndustryCode2_... (e.g., 1111_2222_1222_...). Use FindIndustryCodes conversation to find relevant industries.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetOutlookForIndustriesInRegion

    Provides a detailed outlook across various industries in a region\n\nThis endpoint delivers a comprehensive analysis and future outlook of industries.\n

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetIndustryFactorMedianValue

    Returns median factor values for industries in a region, specified by ISO Alpha-2 code. Industry detail level ranges from 1 (least) to 5 (most detailed), defaulting to 2.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > RetrieveRegulatoryDocsByRegion

    Accesses documents from regulatory agencies like exchanges and financial authorities for a specified region. Retrieves latest documents by ISO Alpha-2 code, including FOMC minutes and disclosure materials.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetHistoricalDatesMatchingWithCurrentEconomicValue

    Identifies historical dates with price trends similar to current ones based on specified economic indicators (ecoitems). Users input ecoitems as a series of numbers, each separated by underscores.

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetPostFinIndOrIdxMovSinceDate

    Analyze Trends Following a Historical Date Based on Topic\n\nThis endpoint provides an analysis of financial trends and changes occurring after a specified historical date, focused on a selected topic.\n

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > getEquityIndexChangesAfter

    Retrieve companies based on theme or sector query.\n\nReturns the top 20 companies with business descriptions that have high semantic similarity with the provided query.\n

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > ThemeSectorStockSearch

    Retrieve companies based on theme or sector query.\n\nReturns the top 20 companies with business descriptions that have high semantic similarity with the provided query.\n

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetETFsContainingStock

    It shows a list of ETFs containing the stock entered by the user.\n\nReturns a list of ETFs that include the specified stock.\n

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetETFHoldings

    It shows a list of ETFs containing the stock entered by the user.show top 20 stocks in ETF. Find Ticker by GPT assistant.\n\n\n

  • GPT Action Boolio AI Analyst > GetOptimalETFPortfolioByInvestorsRequirements

    Retrieve the optimal ETF allocation for a specified target return and investment period.\n\nA module that presents the optimal ETF portfolio when the user specifies the expected rate of return and the investment period.\n

  • Python

    The GPT can write and run Python code, and it can work with file uploads, perform advanced data analysis, and handle image conversions.

  • Browser

    Enabling Web Browsing, which can access web during your chat conversions.

  • File attachments

    You can upload files to this GPT.

Prompt Starters

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